Just wanted to share an interesting experience today. I received a lovely letter from my only remaining aunt. She's in her late 80's now, still very agile, active and much beloved...we've been very close all of my life, but especially since my Mom died in 2001.

Near the end of her letter, she remembered that we would be remembering the anniversary of my Mom's death at this time. With a terrible lurch in my stomach, I started sobbing, thinking that in my grief for my brother (this weekend was the 6-month mark), I had completely forgotten about the anniversary of Mom's death. It was a horrible feeling, and I kept groaning "I'm so sorry Mom". Then, through the tears and panic, as clear as if she was right in the room with me, I heard her voice whisper in my ear, "Darling, the anniversary is on the 28th of OCTOBER, not September...you didn't forget."

So tender and loving, it took my breath away.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)