I did it! I did it!
I landed the only kind of gig I was interested in doing and I did it easily! I am a preformer and have been all of my life but after becoming a chronic pain patient, my ideas of what I wanted to do in entertainment changed. There was only one gig I wanted to do and it is a lasting gig that I can do for as long as I want.

I have had my heart in getting this gig but could not find a contact to ask if they were interested in me. I found a contact and sent an email, my web site for a resume' and a bit more about my preformances and BOOM, I got it just like that!
I am so excited. All of my life I have been in the public eye but I wanted to do something different in that eye. It is the only thing I had my heart set on despite all the offers of gigs that I've had since I have healed. I have turned down gigs that I would have taken in an instant before, earlier in my career.

But this one seemed like just a dream and I never thought it would be a reality!

I am very happy but must go into rehearsal so work is involved and more than usual because it is so different from what I've done. I don't mind the work because it is my dream gig at this time!

Still I will come here. I don't want to jinx it by talking about it so I won't. But it will put me back in the public eye so I must watch what I write and where I write it.
I will stay here. This site is a good one and Dotsie did a good thing by starting it. I will make time to come here one way or the other as I am back to work.

Thanks for reading my good news! Wish me luck! I haven't asked that of anyone for a performance in years I've been so confident! THIS is a challange, and I welcome it.


P.S. Dotsie: You have been very dear about helping me be patient about what I would do next and feeling okay that I did not know yet. I want to thank you for your kind thoughts and attention. I will not forget it.

"Question your privilege"