My empty-nest keeps filling back up again. Jon--my youngest--surprised us last night by driving home from Grove City College (he's attending a wedding today). "No," he's not the groom! Anyway, he needed a haircut (and I'm the one with the scissors!). I've been practicing on them since they were born. So as I was ready to scoot out the door to attend my writer's group, I ended up giving Jon a haircut instead. What an unexpected blessing: For 30 minutes I had his undivided attention (remember: I'm the one with the scissors!). He shares things with me besides the normal stuff, like school, his classes, and how much he owes on his school loans. We talk about things that really matter, like his dreams, his passions, and his hopes for the future. I laugh, I cry, and at the end I get a BIG hug and a kiss with the words, "Thanks, Mom, that's the best haircut you ever gave me." (He says that every time, but still it's nice to hear again!)

Empty next...nope I don't think so, it's full of blessings.


Connie Pombo
Author, Speaker, Mentoring Specialist