I am, for the most part, enjoying my empty nest right now. My kids have been gone from my house for quite some time, and now hubby is only home on weekends, so I enjoy quality time with my computer, my tv remote, and working on those "projects" that I have always wanted to do but never could find the time or space to finish. I'm organizing my millions of photographs, both in real time and online, writing a novel, writing a weekly column for our local newspaper, and volunteering for community projects. It's nice to fix whatever I please for meals, or not fix anything at all. My laundry and cleaning time is greatly reduced, because I'm the only one to do it for...except for occasionally hubby's clothes, and he does some of his laundry on the road.
My daughter and grandkids visit very frequently, I babysit when I can and I'm trying to attend their volleyball, football and other team games.
On the down side, I cannot do outside chores much due to severe allergies, so our lawn gets out of control sometimes, and the house needs some major repairs and painting. If something breaks, I either hire someone to fix it, or deal with it myself...which can be catastrophic sometimes..hehe.
I'm trying to watch over my own parents, who are in their upper 70s and 80s, and deteriorating healthwise. I live about 45 minutes away from them, so don't get over to visit them as often as I'd like.
I work as a nurse in a nursing home, and lately I've had to put in considerable overtime, which is wonderful for the paycheck, but h--l on the body.
I had some serious health problems in 2005 that left me with very decreased stamina and other health related problems, but I'm trying to take care of myself.
I enjoy life, both when alone and when my family is nearby. I love holiday get togethers when the entire family is together. That is difficult these days because the men in the family are all long distance truck drivers working for the same firm, but traveling in different directions at different times.
I think if you try volunteering for some community projects, take up a new hobby, get a pet, renew some old freindships, etc., you will find the time will go quickly. Keep in touch with those kids, though. What you may consider "bothering" them, might be a lifeline to them. When I was in school, I enjoyed hearing from my parents. Especially if there was some green included...lol. A money-manager, I have never been.
Welcome to the group. I hope you find your niche.
Handle your words as carefully as you handle your money-- stolen from Craft & Technique by Paul Raymond Martin
