I felt the way you did when my youngest left. The nest was completely empty then, except for me and my dog. Then...he came back. Amazing how our perspective changes after some absence. I found him messy, or maybe I didn't notice it before? He used my shampoo! Or maybe I didn't notice it before? He borrowed my car and ate my last Oreo...THAT one I would have noticed.

Anyway, he moved out again and the this time he's been gone almost a year. Lordy, I love to see my boys come a 'callin...only now I don't mind it when they leave. I know they are going on with their lives and it pleases me.

But you DO get use to your new life and things do begin to take shape. I think they can be so subtle that maybe we don't even notice the changes coming over us and our environment...whatever.

It was hard at first to train my mind to the fact that I could fix whatever I wanted to eat, even have onions...I could watch my mystery shows and didn't have to turn over the remote for Monday Night Football....I even caught myself watching it one night and it hit me, GOOD GRIEF! I don't have to watch this crap!

So you will move forward, a little at a time. Give yourself room to breathe in the new wide open environment and don't think you HAVE to do anything. Just relax...enjoy, read a book, rent a movie, if worse comes to worse, watch Monday Night Football....or better, THE CLOSER. (I am hooked on that show)....

But don't give in to the "what now?" syndrom...Let life happen. It will!