Hi Boomer Friends ...

Are you a parent of a 4-14 year old? If so, read on...

I'm Janet Nusbaum, The Organizing Genie. I am so excited to tell you about a great new organizing product that's almost ready to be available to moms everywhere. Two years ago, I developed this system to teach skills & responsibilities to my daughters, now 8 and 11.

Now our lives are so much easier! No more yelling, nagging, whining & manipulation! And what a relief for me now that I have consistant help around the house!

Before I put the finishing touches on it, I'd appreciate your input. Would you be so kind to complete a short survey via Constant Contact? I tested it ... it takes 3 minutes to complete!

As a "special" Thank you for your time to tell me what you think, your name will be thrown into a hat to win a new "Frazzled Parents Take Charge" household skill and responsibility-building system.

Here is the link to complete the survey. http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e25nkiqrf5wj75cv/start

THANK YOU for your time!
Wishing you Simplified Spaces ...

The Organizing Genie