Construction is going as crazy as ever.
There was just a real estate special on TV lately, about the market in the Houston area. It told how people were selling out on the coasts and moving to Houston. The market for the big $$$ houses (custom mansions) is the strongest. Lower end housing, @ $150k and below, is moving slowly. Mansions are being bought up, and the buyers are paying cash... per the reporting.

I wish everyone would go back home. We bought here, going on 15 years ago, because it was rural. Now you can hear the trains and highway noise, and we're a good 2.5 to 3 miles away (drive wise). I hate it. They are whacking down trees, taking away the very reason for living in a country setting... and laying more concrete - lots and lots more. There are shopping strips popping up everywhere ... I say Go Away!!!!! Leave the trees alone!!!!! Go trade dollars elsewhere!!!! You can leave the college and hospitals, though.