I finally had a chance to read this whole thread. I wanted to tell you how much I admire you. I admire you and your husband.

I had a time there when I brushed death where I needed just about everything done for me. I had broken my neck, you see, among other things.

My husband and I are still in our 40's and we found ourselvesw in offices with people well into their 60's at times. We saw a lot of couples and how they treated each other.

My primary doctor's specialty is Geriatrics! My body is that beat up from dance and injury.

Anyway, you are showing yourself to be so loving and so committed and I know there are couples I saw that treated one another like trash, showing no respect to one another when one was wheel chair bound, or had an illness like Parkinsons. We could not believe what we were seeing in some of the abuses we watched!

You are a stellor woman. I know what it takes to be a caretaker for a loved one first hand. I also have a sister in law with MS whose husband is very abusive.

Hooray for you. No one knows what they will do until they face something like you and he are facing. YOU are, again, wonderful and an example for so many people.

Thank you, it heartens me more than you know to hear about you and he and how you are handling this hard time.

"Question your privilege"