An update

We are in the process of applying for social security disability, and the application is tough. I won't go into the details, but we have spent hours and hours just getting paper work together.

We found a new social worker at the clinic that Dennis clicks with and she has been very helpful. She told us that even if he does get the ss, tho, they still won't give him medicare for at least two years. This one I don't understand. If you can't work, how can you afford to pay for your own insurance? It does not make sense to me.

I went to the doctor with him last week and his diagnosis is worse than ever. She believes he has parkinson's plus total muscle atrophy I don't remember the name, but basically not only does he not produce dopamine in his brain, but the uptake cells are not working either. So no matter how much medication he takes, his brain does not know how to use it anymore. She said he has been progressing at a rate of 5 to 10 years for each year since his diagnosis. She wouldn't, of course, give a real number, but more or less told us to get our wills in order soon.

So we each made out living wills, we already have financial wills, which I will write about in another post. It was interesting.

He uses a walker all the time, uses two different transportation services to get around and has finally, officially, quit work. He is using cobra for insurance and thank the good Lord, we can afford it.

Thanks for listening, girlfriends. It has been a tough few months here.
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