I work for a durable medical equipment company. We supply hospital beds, wheelchairs, that sort of thing. There is a special walker available for Parkinsons's patients. It's called a U Step. Here's the link to their web site It will be covered by Medicare with the proper documentation. If your doctor wants to give Dennis a walker - ask him about this one, as Medicare will give you a hard time about providing the UStep walker after providing him with a regular walker (that may not work for long for him).

When it comes to the point of needing more than the walker -there are special power wheelchairs that are able to be modified for his needs as the progression of the Parkinsons effects him. I do the billing for our medical equipment so if you need any specifics about how to go about getting the UStep or other equipment through Medicare - let me know.

Call your local hospital and ask them if they have a Parkinson's Group there. They will be able to direct you to all the resources to help you both out. You are going to need a great deal of support as this disease progresses so PLEASE seek out their help.

We deal with a lot of Parkinson's patients at work. My heart goes out to you and Dennis.
