This is also the period of the Baha'i 19-day fast (the Baha'i calendar is 19 months of 19 days, with a few days left over. So this is a month of fasting). The fast is from sunrise to sundown, and between that time, there's no eating, drinking, gum chewing, or anything. I've been doing this for years. It's a wonderful time for reflection and growth.
It's gotten easier over the years too. I learned to eat rib-sticking foods in the pre-dawn hours, like oatmeal and potatoes left over from the previous night. The worst thing for me is getting tired in the afternoon, and getting cold. Now though I've quit caffeine completely, so getting tired isn't much of an issue any more.
In the early years, I used to pig out at night, but soon found that to be counter productive. Now I drink lots of water, and am satisfied with less food.
And I've learned not to enter a grocery store during the daylight hours of the fast!