
I was on Prozac too, for years. Unfortunately, it stopped working on me, too.

As everyone who has been following my challenge knows, I'm on several meds, one of which is Lexapro.

My very good Dr. wants me to stay on this drug. I've asked about switching because I do not think it's as effective -- on me-- as the Prozac was.

But, I'm following everything he says because I totally trust this man.

I don't know about withdrawal from Lexapro. I do know that withdrawal from the benzos (xanax, kolonopin) is nasty. Im on Kolonopin for a mild seizure disorder. This new Dr. wants me to go back to the neuorologist for an updated test.
Don't think he'll take me off quickly, but I'm not looking forward to a withdrawal if I have too.

Anno, maybe you took the "nose dive" because the new anti depressant wasn't working with your body at all???

It's touchy -- finding the right med for each individual.

Takes patience and a commitment to the process of trial and error. But, there are so many new, effective drugs out there. So many more possibilities to the challenge of depression/anxiety.

Hang in there, everyone!
