Ladies, must we like those we love? I don't necessarily like my family, yet I do love them. Well, let me rephrase, I don't like that their actions, thus does this mean I don't like them? I love my nieces, yet not their mother (my sister) nor their fathers (each has a different father, yet same mother).

My nephew just released from jail -- he's very much like his mother (my sister) and thinks we should all take care of him (very selfish). My parents (mother and step-father) enable his behavior. I won't. That's it.

Yet, I do wan't a relationship with my nieces. It's very difficult b/c I must coordinate with one mother and three different households (sometimes 4 or 5 households if the grandparents are involved).

Thus, I've told each girl the year they turn 15 to pick a country I'd we travel to Europe. I attempt to spend at least 2 days each summer with each girl when the visit with my parents. The eldest is a teenager with her own cell, thus call her at least 2X monthly. I call the 2 younger at least every 6 weeks. Never a card or birthday wish from them or their mother and fathers in recognition of my birthday or holidays. Yet, it is expected of me. I do it out of love.

Never a confidence nor encouragement, thus I've built walls. Sometimes barriers are a good thing, especially when sanity is involved!