Kate, I'm sorry your son relapsed and love your attitude. You are so brave with the situation, and maintaining your hope that things will continue to get better.

It is difficult for addicts in this society -- so true. They usually don't get the education they need to succeed because they skip their teenage years. And pot is rampent in construction and in the restaurant business -- two places that will hire these kids. If they have a record of any kind, they can't get certain other types of jobs, either. (I hate how a felony follows a person forever, but that's a different soap box.)

Do you think he would be willing to think about furthering his education? The path isn't closed to him, just would take some effort. Then again, he might have his hands full with recovery.

Dotsie, I love the serenity prayer -- and this interpretation is great!
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.