My son's going back to treatment tomorrow. He had it all set up before getting out of jail. He's staying at a house in town for young men waiting to go to treatment, or needing a place to stay to get back on their feet. They can stay for up to a year. They can work or go to school but have to do something. There are lots of rules and chores to do or your out. My son has been for a few interviews at this house over the years but they would not admit him as his attitude was not good so they new he would not be able to go by the rules.

I met with the counsellor this time around and he said my son's attitude had changed so he let him stay there short term.
It's going well. He can't go anywhere without adult supervision and the adult has to be approved by the house, no drug users, addicts of course. My son is going along with this.A good sign but it will not be easy and I am not getting my hopes up anymore although of course I hope it sticks this time for his sake.

I asked him why he thinks treatment doesn't work for some people and he said because they don't want to quit. He said AA is great and if you do the program you will succeed. If you don't then you don't want to. So, he knows what to do it's just a matter of wanting it bad enough. We'll see.
Anyway good news for now.