Which organization has he, Kate, sought help from?

Are you aware of this provincial resource database that lists all the non-profit, social service organizations?

If all else fails, also call the John Howard Society for expert referral. They have branches across Canada. Victoria is a big enough city to have their own location to serve Vancouver Island.

About 3 years ago, I worked for the provincial British Columbia organization for legal aid....there was/still is a service that provides referral, some basic legal information if there is blended problems involving the law, counselling.

ANd yes, we did /they still do deal with phone-in clients who themselves need great deal of help or concerned family members.

But try the Red Book database first for something in Victoria.

Your son must first of all, want to be helped and be committed to change...slowly.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)