Unfortunately things have gotten worse.
My son is back in my town more hooked on drugs then ever.

He came to my house two weeks ago at 6am banging on the door saying he was going to treatment that day and needed to come in and have a shower, get something to eat, use the computer etc.
He was very indignant when I would not let him in. I have heard this all before. He just makes up a lie and says he is going to treatment to manipulate me and get things from me, money etc. I have fallen for this too many times. He also wanted to get in the house and use the computer. He lost touch with his girlfriend as they had a fight and he came back home (to our city) and I'm sure he wanted to go on Facebook to try to reach her. They are very co-dependant.

I felt bad of course because it was the first day back at school for my kids and he woke them up. I tried to get him to go away nicely but that didn't work. Then he started banging on the door and yelling. I told him if he leaves I would give him some money or the other choice would be that I would phone the police. He was mad but said he'd go but when I opened the door he tried to push his way in. Luckily he is really skinny and I am not so I managed after quite a while to get the door shut. He was so angry and looked terrible. Had blood all over his shirt, was really skinny. Looked like someone you would not want to meet in a dark alley. It was heart breaking. He has gone down so much.

Now I have not heard from in two weeks as I told him not to come back to my house or I would call the police. I said if he cleans himself up and acts like he is part of the family instead of using us for what he can get he is not welcome here. He calls everyone in sequence for money and we have all stopped. I just gave him $4.50 to get rid of him. If he hadn't left I would have had to call the police. I did speak to the police later that day and they said he had outstanding warrants and would be arrested if they picked him up.

I just wanted him to go away but now after not hearing from him I am so worried about him. I know I can't help him but it is so frustrating. He has had so much help and I have always been there for him but I have had to really step back from him lately as he is getting violent. It's weird, sometimes when I'm out I'll see someone who looks like him and I will get the shakes. If I hear a police siren I always wonder if it's for him. I have been so traumatized over the years from his episodes. I don't want him to come back here but at the same time wonder where he is and if he is ok. This is a tough one.