I'm smiling at Bonnierose's descriptions of what's "in" because I don't have -- or want -- a single item on the list.

Jeans? Never found a pair that was comfortable.
Pointy toed shoes/high heels? Did that in the 1960's and swore I'd never do it again.
Crisp white blouse? Too much ironing.
The capes and leather are both OK but too warm for this climate.

Until my mid-40s I was a serious fashionista -- but even then, I wouldn't wear every "in" style that came out. Some seasons, I couldn't wait to buy what I thought was the perfect addition to my wardrobe. Other seasons, I didn't purchase a single thing.

With any "in" fashion, the best thing for you to decide is -- Do I really like it? Color good? Cut good? Fits with my image/lifestyle? There's a different answer for everyone.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist