Okay, I've some more tips. Coming in a few min., I'll put them here. It's fun that some of you like them!
I'm stealing years and years of hanging out with models, dancers and actors!
- Nails. Your nail ends should be as wide as your nail bed. You should have square shaped ends on your nails the width of the bottem of the nail. Things look neater that way.
- I can cause any woman to loose weight, just ask and I'll give tips. I've had to do it for SO many people. People loose weight being around me!
-Nails should be one of three colors now:
Rose, RED, or natural. A french manicure is now a cheap look because everyone, even someone's 13 year old daughter has a french manicure! You should stop switching colors over and over at about age 12! Fact: Most women wear the same nail polish color year after year, day after day!
-build your wardrobe around black or beige. ( LOL, I like to call beige, "off white," or ecru is my favorite.) Add color as you go along and know there are MANY different "blacks," and many different "beiges," so you have to match your blacks and beiges. Wash the washables in Woolite for Black, it works.
-Different color shirts and pants/skirts, can make you look stout. If you do pair such things, try to wear a print top or bottom that has the color of the other in it. This looks polished and fun, it also makes you look taller.
-tights that cut off at the ankle make any woman's leg (and men's, lets not be sexist,) look short. Keep your tights to capri length or with feet. Nothing inbetween will do. Throw um out! ------------->
-If you are good with color: Mix prints! It is an art. There are women who can mix prints top and bottom and it is an AMAZING look! It is fashionable and always has been. You must have the gift though, to be able to see what print will go with another. Anyone may have the gift to do this, you do not have to know fashion, it's an "eye," thing. If you have it, raise your hand, I'd like to shake it! If you are that person, match prints and watch um turn green with envy!
-Stretch through your day. Everybody usually has to go through a rehab program that involves stretch at some time. We do not stay limber, SO: Stretch in the kitchen as you reach for something, stretch at work by turning in your chair at the waist as far as you can both ways, stretch as you watch T.V., sit in a lotus position on your couch. If you have any dance training, dance through your day, stretching and making up ways to stretch each day.
- To really see what you look like, take a snap shot of yourself in your minds eye. Now~ look at yourself as if you were seeing yourself in a store or something, shopping. THATS how you look. The mirror is useless to us in this way after a short time. Take that picture and try it, tell me if you see yourself more clearly.
- If you are scrubbing your skin with a brush as I suggested, tell me so I can give you the next step to younger softer skin. I am always surprising people with the softness of my skin. I have a recipe I use without fail.
-Never go to sleep with anything on your face but moisture, I mean NEVER. It matters, it really does.
- There are lovely and beautiful older women, have you seen them? They are women who accept their age and are graceful and stylish and have their own "look." We must strive for that, not to look "young.' "Young," ends at 29.
- Botox helps the face to not move, therefore, preventing wrinkles. That is a bunch of junk. It does not last and looks funny. BUT, dancers and models, for example, wrinkle less. They do so because for years their job has been to hold their face without expression! Think about what your face has been doing all day. Has it been stressing? If so, you will get worry wrinkles. Have you been calm? If so, you will have less wrinkles, etc...
I have many more. How are these?
Anyone try vinegar and water rince before they washed their hair? It works! Only once a month. A quarter cup vinegar and water poured over your wet hair before washing will make your hair healthier and immediate results will be seen and felt!

Say Cheez!

dancer 9
ask me anything, I've heard some women wondering about it too!

"Question your privilege"