You are overly generous, dancer on natural Asian beauty. But true, that even my 4 sisters don't wear much makeup, but some wear abit more than me (me =no makeup about 90% of the time).

Curling my eyelashes doesn't do anything, my eyelashes are short. But it's ok, it's still not enough incentive to wear mascara.

When I do wear makeup, it is: foundation, plus powder blush and some lipstick.

I choose earrings that are original in design and all in silver: silver swans, silver lily flowers, phoneix birds, aboriginal design ravens, silver leaf boughs, etc. Yes, if I found dangling silver snowflakes or filigreed silver starbursts I would wear them! Another reason why having a haircut short enough for me ...cut above the earlobes is important to me.

So long hair just well....would cover up that earring artistry.

I agree the ice water on face can perk up person's visage. come to think of it, any outdoor winter exercise is excellent for anyone to look alive and refreshed. Not quite same effect as exercising in hot summer heat...
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)