I gave some ideas for puffy eyes in my post on tips. If you have dark eye circles, there are over the counter eye treatments that work to reduce the dark circles. I have dark circles under my eyes because I am European and if you have those, make up is the best way out. Some people find the dark circles sexy! I know fashion photographers for Great magazines that like natural dark circles. Puffiness is another problem all together. I gave some tips on that. There is a chiropractic move I have had done that worked well for puffiness. I'll try to describe it here:
Take your thumbs and put them in the corner of your eye. Push in and feel your eye socket, (the bone,) trace your thumbs along your eye socket pushing down on the bone all through that eye socket, working in to out. When you reach the end of your eye socket on the top, stop, do not circle to the bottom bone. Do that three times and do it slow in a massage mode. Just use your thumbs to trace your eye socket without lifting your thumbs and do it on the top.

After the top, take your forefinger and place it in the corner of your eye. Slide your finger, as you did your thumb a slight ways, this time, along your bottom eye socket. Stop when you have traced about to a place besides your nose and slide down then and that should slide your fingers down your sinuses. You should feel pressure on your sinuses clearing them as you slide down. Slide about to your lips to clear those sinus cavities. Do this as well, in a massage mode and do it three times.

This never fails to drain the puffiness out of my eyes. I had a chiropractor do it for me everytime I saw him for sometime so I do it myself because I like the effects.

You can try this and see when you do it in a mirror if it helps you. Again, it helps me. I have puffy eyes too and it solves those fairly well. There are products I listed in the tips that will do it as well.

If you are sleeping 8 hours and I mean EIGHT hours, and you have those dark circles, if you have had a doctor look at them and tell you they are normal, then I would do two things:
First I would love them because some think they are sexy and mysterious!
Second, take your concealer and you have two choices: waterproof by Lancome or any other. Lancome has a waterproof concealer that is wonderful if you want to invest in an eye concealer. You only use a bit and it lasts forever, and I mean forever. It is good so far as color and it stays where you put it. You can use a less expensive one of course, it is fine. ONLY conceal from the corner of your eye out to a slight bit around your eye socker. Don't make raccon rings and don't use a light color if it is too light for your face. If you use a light color it reflexs light and draws attention to your dark circles. It's better to blend in the concealer well and only in the corner of the eye. Use a color near your skin color. Think about leaving them if you like your eyes when they are less puffy. They could look pretty sexy, right? Think about it!

If these directions aren't clear I can try again! I hope something I've typed helps! Please let me know! We are sistas in the dark eye look!

"Question your privilege"