
Hi Jaw Jaw! Excuse me, but first, let me do this:
Orchid, If you saw orange, the right orange, with a pink, the right pink, you would see a "happening," combination. I know that orange is some people's nightmare and I must say that orange is hard to wear. I wanted to give you an option.

dancer, wink

Did I ask about colour combinations? Anywy, I do have and enjoy wearing a lovely orange top, close to the shade I see in your avatar right now. I would call it a deep, rich cantaloupe shade.

Only certain pinks. A light but slightly strong pink, fuschia pink-mauve or a bright coral pink. I actually sewed a tailored dress in that colour and wore it for several years with a wide black patent leather belt and black shoes.

Yes, there are advantages in having naturally black hair. Jewel / some bright colours show very well.

Many elderly Asians can still wear medium bright red well... this is why I advocate an aging Asian woman never dyes her hair blonde...so she can wear red lively shades well.

The colour of luck.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)