This is fun... I've been shopping with people like Sharon Stone so I know some things! I'm happy to share stuff and if you are looking for something for the body or to wear, I know where it is! I could keep a thread going just on this stuff!
Some more fun things:
Most models and actors have no nails. They get their manicure on their little-tiny-no nails, and then have them buffed. There is nothing more beautiful than buffed finger nails when done professionally. This look is amazing on woman of races that LOOK like their heritage too.
- Rince your hair with some vinegar mixed with a cup of water to make your hair so shiny and so soft you won't believe it! Do it about every three months to strip the hair of any residue. Even shampoo leaves a residue so it will work on anyone. If you have dark hair, use a red vinegar, if your hair is light, use white vinegar. About a quarter cup of vinegar and the rest of the cup water should do!
- Nothing in the way of creams has come onto the market that does ANYTHING for your skin except two products that can be prescribed. All other creams will do nothing to really help your skin and the best moisterinzer is really Crisco because you can't put water in your skin, you can only keep it ON your skin. The two products are Retin-A and Renova, and a lot of woman use these products to make their skin shine and keep it clear. They really work. Your face will peel first but underneath is beautiful skin!\
- Anyone interviewed who says they keep that thin from eating fish and vegatables for dinner is LYING. They don't eat almost at all before a "gig," and then afterwards, like, for example, Sharon, they are a size 10 or more.
- Don't brush or comb your hair. Be like models and actors and myself and only brush your hair when it's being done. After that, brushing only breaks hair and causes it to split. I never comb my hair all day or night until I am ready to do it the next day. And, only shampoo your hair every 2nd or 3rd day. May actors and models wash it once a week like in Europe. Wash it when it's dirty though, please! =)
-Any woman with skin color that is not white, and by white I mean you were born blonde, even those with slightly olive skin shouldNEVER have shiny skin. If your face is not shiny and it is matte, it will hide wrinkles, make your skin glow and make you look lovely. There are all sorts of products on the market to keep skin from getting shiny so ask me if you want one! NO shine on the skin = airbrushed look. You cannot get this look by just keeping your face make up free, your face will oil up anyway, so you get it with a product. It will make you look fab, my sisters!

If you want to be "in," this season, you can do the following:
- wear something grey, especially pants or a sweater.
- get or knit yourself a BIG sweater, really big, one that covers your butt!
- if you wear gray or black, pair it with something BRIGHT, and I mean crayon-bright, in maybe blue, or red, or yellow, it doesn't matter so long as you have only ONE thing that is bright with all they rest grey or black.
- wear gray period.
- use a flat iron on your hair style.
- the '20's are in and WAY in so if you have anything that looks like the 20's wear it, including menswear for women.
- get yourself a lot of tights and wear them with all your dresses. If you want to really be "hip," then wear your tights with that big sweater or a tunic. With boots is really happening, lol. It IS!
- wear your clothing that has a collar that is beaded. Dresses with "jewelry," are in, those are dresses with beading and the like around the collar.

I do not subscibe to being "in," ladies so know this is all tongue in cheek and done for fun. If you DO any of the above things you WILL be on the cutting edge of fashion though, even in Europe.

Like I said, Ihave tons.
Oh, and if you want your lipstick to last, put it on,and then powder your lips slightly and then re-apply.

Lastly, all the best designers agree: It takes a woman OVER forty to wear RED lipstick. RED lipstick looks GREAT on all women over 40 and always will!
dancer, having fun.
(sorry for typos. I was just having fun and typing away.)

Edited by dancer9 (10/19/07 12:42 AM)

"Question your privilege"