It's hard when they've lived on their own for a while and then move back home and have to live under Mom and Dad's rules again. That alone often drives them back out to independence, which isn't a bad thing.

I think Mom's take it hardest when kids move away. We're used to having someone to take care of and nurture.

My two sons have been out long enough that I don't think they will move back in again. My daughter is only 13 so we've got her for a while.

My oldest son works full time and goes to school in the evenings. He has a ways to go but he'll get there. He doesn't like his job so that's an incentive to continue his education.

My younger son works for a company that installs security and fire alarm equipment. He has been taking electrical courses and taking the tests to become an electrician. He's to hyper to sit at a desk.