Hello there my freinds.....thanks Celt for giving me the rarest!!! 'bug' known to only your own sweet wee(dyslexic) self!!! It was a staphoccocoli...not the mrsi as first was feared! Then septicemia...and nuttin mild about it at all!!!!

My own Gp informed me of this wee detail when I popped in for a routine...he was a tad upset to say the least(with the Hospital). Wants regular weight checks...and me off the fags before London! I ain't great yet and at least I am home and on meds to help the recovery process!

Again, I cannot tell you how much it meant to pop in when I was very poorly and have a wee read or post a little....the support is as usual... awsome, from my boomer sisters.

My bed beckons now...been up too long today! Thanks again girls.

Be posting like a good one soon enough

Big Love

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love