I was hoping that Celt would be able to post an update but, I think I'd pre-empt her this time as her hands are much too full, to say the least. I only hope she won't mind.

I phoned Celt before the weekend to offer support and was updated on the situation. Po had a chest infection prior to Lucien's, then Celt. Then Po seemed to have caught it again. From the sound of it, Po has had a relapse. I have just been informed by Celt that Popea will have to stay in hospital until Friday, failing discharge on that day, perhaps Sunday. The doctors are still not sure what it is that Popea has caught but MRSI is suspect. Celt is not well herself but carries on nonetheless. With Lucien to look after and Po to worry about, it is a difficult time. I have tried to phone Po at the hospital a few times but could only leave a voice message the last time. The phone charger's on its way and hopefully, I would be able to contact her sometime tonight and Celt as well. I shall relay all your wishes. Please continue to carry our very loved friends in your prayers.