You've been in my heart all day. When I was doing my prayer time this afternoon, the theme turned out to be "beauty from ashes", very appropriate for me these days, as I continue to heal from the loss of my brother. I was also reminded of a song by Carey Landry called "Dance in the Darkness" and the imagery of the phoenix rising from the ashes. I think we all possess a very powerful ability to "dance in the darkness" and to rise from the ashes of our pain and grief...with prayer, loving support from friends and family and our own faith in our power and ability to both survive and thrive beyond everything life throws at us, we can and do come out the other side of the fire stronger and more beautiful than ever.

Beauty from odd paradox, but comforting too, somehow, and powerful. You're already what I would call a "wounded healer", so perhaps you already know from painful firsthand experience the possibility of beauty from ashes...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)