I wish I could contribute and maybe help here, but the closest I can come to it was a near-fatal car accident I was involved in about four years ago. Everything on my left side was broken. I viewed EVERYTHING differently after that. As I sat there barefly conscious in the nano-moments after the "hits" (she hit me three times; believe it or not) I just knew I was dying and that was IT. IT wasn't, and so my outlook on life was totally changed. I don't sweat the small stuff as much, and I became somewhat fearless in my writing, moving forward with my biz, etc...

I still have "what the heck am I doing?" days, but not very often. And usually when I do, somewhere in the recesses of my mind, THE WRECK will come forward and remind me, you only have TODAY. That's about all it takes to jolt me back into gratitude.

GOOD LUCK AND BREAK A LEG! I hope you'll come back in here and share the performance with us. I bet you're just a blessing to watch.