This has been interesting. I'm sure those of you who are married do not envy those of us who are not. It's a strange, strange world out there these days. And yet, I am happy the majority of the time and would not go back to my previous marriage.

I still fantasize about the perfect guy. I well know he doesn't exist, except in my mind. But I do enjoy thinking about him from time to time.

The younger man in my earlier post turned out to have alot of problems. At times it has bordered on something scary, but has evened out lately (please keep your fingers crossed that things continue to improve). The older man from work and I have realized that we aren't "dating material," but "good friend material" instead. Why is it, if I'm honest with myself, that's what I'd really rather have these days anyway?

Newleaf, you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

And I love the most recent comments about aging gracefully and staying alive and full of life. Maybe that's what we need to talk about now, how to keep the excitement for life alive. I for one, want to be one of those 90 year old women who is the life of the party and still ready for adventure. I do think Casey was right when she said it's all in your attitude (physical problems excluded). Some people just have "old attitudes" (like most of my family), and others stay young no matter what.

My grandmother was one of the most "young at heart" people I've ever known. What I wouldn't give to talk to her just one more time! Since that isn't possible, I'll just try to be as much like her as I can, and get as much life as possible out of every single day I'm on this earth.

You gals are the best!
