The air must be different here. Older people I know are dynamic, intelligent, out there doing things, athletic. Even when their minds are obviously elsewhere, they are doing things to make the world a better place -- at least from their point of view. (The lady down the street is constantly rearranging the dirt in her yard to make it more beautiful.)

My neighbor next door is in his 70s and on the go all the time. Even, my 90-year-old writing friend, who is confined to a wheelchair, is a dynamite thinker and reader. These are my role models! With all this spunk around me, aging doesn't fear me. I might have to make some adjustments, but I'm working out and losing weight and feeling mentally better than I have my entire life. It's a great thing!

Life is interesting. It's all in your attitude, I've come to believe.
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.