You can climb back down off your soapbox now Chatty. Have someone spot you while you get down..Its been my experience of you that you can be a bully. You consider yourself the voice of sage wisdom gleaned from years of being the bad chick...well, I do find your rantings amusing and entertaining.
However, I have to tell you that each and every post I've submitted has been 100% true and without one drop of imagination.
Sooo, I guess I live a very exciting life. I like it that way for the most part. There are the down times, but all in all I wouldn't trade it for one dull and sugar saturated moment in time with anyone else.
Sometimes I'd give someone a dollar for a day of boredom, but just one day.'
While I do have a vivid imagination, I don't need to make things up to entertain myself or anyone else for that matter.
What I looked for in this forum was the understanding which some of the members here have freely given.
That's all.
Aarikja Ann