Whatever, Hannelore. I'm bored with many things and I have an insatiable curiosity for life. Thank you, Casey. You answered my question and now I feel satisfied that at least there is no way to actually rationalize or understand.
You know, ladies, everyone's life isn't all peaches and cream. There are some people who are no worse than you, just normal, everyday people who work, enjoy their families, play with their dog or cat and fish, hunt and play golf who are dealing with bizarre situations whether they wandered into them themselves or the situation was dropped in their lap.
If you don't like it when questions are asked and answers are needed then maybe you should go join a website like Daisy picking or Martha Stewart.....(opps, I forgot, Martha just got out of prison....)
Well, anyway, in my opinion, its not up to you to judge my interests or lack of, or my judgement. This is a FORUM for people who have questions and opinions. If someone has an interest or opinion other than the one you have and you want them to take it elsewhere, it is no longer a FORUM but is a CLUB for people of like mind.
Aarikja Ann