I have a question. One of my friends is dating this guy who is a few years younger than her. They've only gone out together a few times but the other night it seems he came to her home to her delight. She had everything nice including a movie to watch. He came to her house around 10pm and wanted to go to a bar. While at the bar the guy who had been so attentive and hugging her and kissing her said. I want to choke you. Just like that. She thought it was a weird joke. They got back to her house and he proceeded to strangle her, to hit her in the face but not hard, he threw her on the bed and yanked her up by her hair and when she got away and went to the bathroom, he came in and peed on her.
What the heck kind of guy is that anyway? I did some research for her and couldn't find much about violence while having sex but I think some people are actually turned on by slapping, hair pulling, shoving, biting, and in this instance nearly killed her by asphixiation. She said she almost lost consciousness.

The really weird part of it is that he came and laid his head on her lap and hugged her and kissed her as he was leaving and says to her, "that was wonderful." I'll call you. The next day he called her just to chat.

I told her she should have called the police and reported him and gotten a restraining order against him. What a loser freak!
Aarikja Ann