Carrier...clue me in about how you are using this word?

If a young woman could benefit from reparenting, better she get it from a platonic relationship.

If already, NewLeaf can sense the girl's need for affection and self-respect...

Celtic, you grew from that relationship. You were lucky.

One of my sisters had a close female friend same age as her, where when they were in high school, her friend fell for a 35 year old married man with children. She was only 19 yrs. old, for Pete's sake. He was not divorced from his wife.

He returned to his wife. She was one of these intelligent, but geekish girls.

Happenend to another girl in my high school class. she too fell for an older man, in his 40's. She was 18 yrs. Not sure what happened afterwards. She too was highly brainy, not considered attractive and geeky.

The reaction of the girls in class..was frankly, disgust. I think we all sensed...just abit unhealthy, when one is still a teenager.

20 yrs. old is barely beyond teenager.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)