Good point 0rchid about a woman trulie knowing herself, getting financial indipendences, a carrier etc.

I just wonderring weather this is the onlie way, some woman don't want or have the oppertunitie for a carrier their mabe shop girles or whatever (do disrespect to shop girles) then their oppertunities for promosion etc is limited. I just hinking that apart from the one way that you exemplified that theirs also manie more was or manie more pathes. For this young ladie one of her paths could be to spend a little or a lot of time with this older man....Even if some of what she may be getting is re-parenting from this older man....if theirs respect and tenderness then thats a good start or even just a good time for a short while.

I went out with- dated a older person when i was kinda young and it did me nuthing but good, in short it was a positive experinces even if it didn't last for forever (if their is such a thing)

lets see how it turnes out, it might be a great surprise and one the young ladie shouldn't miss out on according to her path in life
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn