I never would have agreed with you in another life, Chatty, but at this stage I couldn't agree more. Did any of you see that movie where Meryl Streep was a psychologist and her client was gorgeous Uma Thurman? The whole theme was about an older woman with a younger man who just happened to be Meryl Streep's son.

I'm not looking for anything. I just completely enjoy his company. Some people are very special people and he is one of them. I feel honored and just plain happy to be around him. I was thinking about it this morning and its like an internal message was that I'm special too and shouldn't think he's more special than I am. He should also be honored to be with me.

Because I'm very sensitive and easily hurt, I have surrounded myself with "a few good men" to cushion the fall if it should happen that he moves on. Its a self protective feature.

I like myself and can be alone, but I find that men bring good challenge and incentive to morph and improve those things I can, especially my self image and internal messages about myself.
Aarikja Ann