Well, I had the younger guy over to my home, as he had asked me out, the other night and he was a perfect gentleman. I'm totally blown away by him. He was romantic, thoughtful, funny, interesting, comfortable to be around and interested in me.

He wanted nothing but to please me and to have an enjoyable experience. It was wonderful for both of us. I don't want a relationship with anyone. I'm not looking to get married again. I don't give a big hang what his mother thinks or his father or anyone else for that matter. The man is 31! In this day when 1 in 4 marriages ends in divorce, and lines that have defined us in the past are fading, its not such a long shot to find that what you're looking for is right in front of you if only for a short time.

Life is too short to waste even one minute saying "I shouldn't, I'd better not, What will people think?" We had a memorable night.
Aarikja Ann