Casey, I think I'm probably too comfortable in my own skin. I have a love/hate relationship with myself. Its very hard to explain, but I can't seem to fit in anywhere. I haven't found my niche and maybe that's because I keep changing all the time.
I call it morphing. If I attracted the kind of man who is looking for someone who doesn't need him and doesn't want a deep intimate relationship, then that's not the kind of man I'm looking for anyway.

A big difference I've noticed in both older men and older women is a kind of resignation or acceptance of the shoulda coulda's...or the shouldn't ve's...older people seem to use their chronological age as an excuse to grow old and lose step with changing times, styles, tastes.

My ex kept trying his hardest to make me fit into his cage. Constantly reminding me that there is a pidgeon hole for you dear, now stuff yourself ito it. Like the Gingerbread woman, life will have to catch me first and that is precisely the very thing about myself I like most.
Aarikja Ann