She came up to me last night as I was walking into work and got right in my personal space and rearranged my hair indicating that it would bother me to have a hair out of place...!

I'm sort of giving up on my silly notion and high school crush on the 30 something guy. I mean, what would he see in me??? The movie with Jack Nicholson, I think it was Anything Goes where Keanu Reeves had a crush on the female star who was much older than him was a cute idea, but how often does that happen in real life?

I'm just fascinated by him like watching a rare specimen or breed of bird or wild life. He is on every level just what I've been looking for but way too late. He's smart, funny, swarthy, bearded but not too much, shy, sexy, tender, creative, always reading (Mark, he has deep brown eyes that twinkle and dresses in suede leather which smells absolutely earthy and spicy!!, sometimes.

Last night I noticed as busy as we were, he didn't come to work until about an hour before I left. I wasn't as light and happy. I went to break and came back and there he was sitting. He looked up at me and smiled from ear to ear. My heart jumped and I beamed for the rest of the night then drove home mentally beating myself up and listening to Mariah Carey...loud!

I'm on the rebound and I'll get over it without sulleying this very sweet and nice guy.
Aarikja Ann