never thought about it but i started datting older than my age limite, then it averaged out as about 5 yrs older was standered....once younger by few yrs and i didn't like it. Now my partner and i are the same age their 6 mounths older or so. I no real experinces with it but i think it ddepends on the people and if they look at the present circumstances and belive they loved and valued, if they can hold that feeling after 10 yrs without letting nagging insecuritie and doubt creep in (about their ages in and life diffrences after those ten yrs or so) in then all power to them.

i just relised i turned THAT AGE were you get attractive to the younger ones just becouse of your incressed age and experinces etc.....i had the babie sitter doing some seriouse flirtting and invitting us out to clubs with them and their pals....all i could think of was ahhhhhhhhhhh helppppppppp lol. Then as i was preparring to get married i didnt see them anymore lol a big signal that one lol. They may look good but the imituritie annoyes me. Needless to say i dont have that babie sitter anymore....

so maybee for anyone single its more about maturitie and things in common and chemistry then age limite....go for it give it a chances if you nuthing to lose if nuthing else its an experinces....
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn