Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs....
we have butterfly kisses heer they are done with your eylashes to their cheek....is it the same way?????????

i thought i invented the saying velcro hugs lollllllll turns out i didn't.

on a seriouse note dotsie i so sorrie you hurt so much before and when they are going away but on the other hand i so happie for you that you experinces this degree of love.

i had heared all about the cost of kids before having them, i know about the sleepless nights, the worrie of them for them, the vulribilitie of giving into the world someone thats so presciouse that when they fall and bump or hurt then we bleed for their pain or the thought of their pain. and yet despite all those financile reasons, the stress to our bodies when carrieing a child, and the waking worrieing times we still go throw with it and have them anyway.

i done talks to women like myself about how to get pregnant and why one would....i had to resolve it to myself before ever talking to another about why one would have a kid. In all my thinking i have no defences for why we reproduces, i have no answere as to why i would want to go throw it...my head can't mesure or weigh up the reasons but the real reason can never be found in the head anyway thats why their no defences. Its always a hart choice, its always below or outside logic and sometimes even sences maybee its just the drive or our biological destinie that pushes us forwared to do it. I don't know the hundreds of situasions in which a woman would choise to have a child. But no matter what or how you think it will be its always diffrent and a more positive diffrences than one could ever had imagined. I think its just the process of being alive the day to day process of doing the small things that must seem so insignificant to others most of the time but to us that made the leap its the meaning of life itself.

i think for me its been a journey into descoverring just how much i am capible of love...did you ever for one moment imagine the depth and degree of feeling those wee bodies in the big world could procuce in you, i never did. But now i have i never change it for the world, despite the bumpie bits at times
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn