I got a notice in the mail yesterday that I might be called for jury duty (federal court) in June......I have 2 appt's scheduled during that time, plus I wasn't sure when we were going to get back from a trip......called the courthouse and after asking me for the dates, the gal said "oh yea you're on the top of my list.......if there's a trial during those weeks, you're probably going to get called". Well, crud. Ok, I know this is my civic duty and all that. And truthfully there is no time that would probably be good for it.........there's always something on the calendar, right?!? But what gets me is.......I'm supposed to call after noon the Fri before to find out if I have to be there the following Mon morning. Then I'm on call for the following two weeks........the gal said I'm supposed to check in every day, and they try to call and give you 2 days notice before you have to appear. The courthouse is in downtown Orlando and I'd have to be there at 8:00 a.m. (if you knew the traffic around here, you'd know why that doesn't make me happy) but mostly it's the not knowing that I hate. How can you plan anything?!? I've received jury duty notifications in the mail before, but haven't had to appear for years (I would call as instructed and be informed that I wasn't needed)-- I think I was in college the last time and that was a smaller local court thing. Anybody done jury duty for federal court?
I called my doc's office and rescheduled the appt's....if I do get selected for jury duty I don't want to wait and cancel the appt's at the last minute,decided it would be easier to just reschedule now. As for the trip, we'll be going up to Alabama with a group of friends the week before, and I can call that Fri afternoon from there.......and if I have to report that Mon, we'll come home the day before. It's kind of like.......I don't mind doing the jury duty thing but I don't want to change everyone's plans and then not get selected. I guess I'm just supposed to put my life on hold for those 2 weeks? I'm such a planner, I HATE not knowing what my schedule's going to be.