I had POA and mother went to the relatives her cousin and niece and told them I was taking her money. Now I did talk to mother and my brother at the time. But these two relatives had been working on mother for a long time calling her and wanting to take over for the love of money "Greed " they had done this before when my grandfather died . They took my mother to court in MD to sell the house and get the money for it. Before my mother got to the farm these same relative came and took everything out of the house and took everything and only left my mother a loving cup that was her mothers. I stood in the house and watched my mother cry . Mother then forgive these same people again. So, what did they do they did it again. They two relative have gotten away with a lot in the past , but not anymore. When we were in the mist of the Guardianship hearing the cousin sold my mothers house and this one cousing who has POA
told my mother and everyone that I did want anything in the house . They took it all the china mother promised me and her silverware and her dish . When I found out I told my brother who got a lot because they told hime I did not want anything also.They lied of course. What else that is all the two knew how to do. They were counting on her money , but that is gone now. They two don't even come to see her anymore.
I went to court for Guardianship in January of 1999 and lost . I cannot afford to go again . It couse me 7,000.00 and then some . The one relative has tried to keep my brother and I from seeing my mother . One day when I went down to see my mother this cousin took mother to her house . At the time I did not know she was there . The home in Seaford called her cousins house and her husband told us that my mother was not there. I should have gone over , but I found out later from the director that her cousin barbara was there. This same cousin has verbal abusedmy mother and did not get away with it. When my mother was moved the second time to the Heritage in DE assitt
living the neice put a note in mothers file
with my name on it and my brothers and dughter saying that we could not take mother out of the home . I called the Omubman , but had to go to the top and Nursing home reform in DC before I got this gal checking on mother now. They was us kids out of the way. It has been one fight after another. My mother called me when she was in seaford and asked me if I wanted to see her anymore . I told her "yes" and that I loved her. I know the cousin said something to her. Of course what else. The relatives I am sorry and ashamed to say that they are in my family. That is why I don't want anything to do with them. They are common criminals.This is a long ongoing

story and I am not tired of fighting this is my mother . I want to do the right thing because I love my mother and miss her. I am not the only one this is happening to with family relative who are Greedy . I just need to shout this all out and need still support . My husband helps a lot . I do all the work it is my mother . They wanted the job and now I make sure they follow thru . These relative has such a fowl mouth the home won't talk to them anymore. Now that is what type of people they are . Just full of dirty tricks.

These nursing home think that POA have more say then we do . Well they don't I had to remind the home that this only is financal only and I had the right to know if my mothe died. That is why I called the Hipaa Office this in for medical privacy act. What a mess. Anymore support will help . Wee....What a ride ...

All of a sudden these relatives are doing a spend down and buying mother things that they have not done in the past . They would not take any of there money for her like I have. Oh, No. I hope someone does the same to them some day. Just wait.

-- Will keep you posted when I call the Omubsman
Sure glad you here for support . Thank you
I hope this short story did not tire you all out. I tired for a brief summary.

[ November 28, 2004, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Nancy50 ]