Thank you for your replies.. and support.. I haven´t been to visit with my friend personally..but she has called me several times and I plan to call her this evening..

She has asked me to say something on the day of the burial..I am not too comfortable about talking to alot of people, but we decided that she and I would put something together. That feels right for me.She would like to say so much but, of course, won´t be able to. So I can help her.. to try to describe the incredible relationship that they had/have..the oneness..and the good person her husband and my friend was/is.

Tomorrow is job time again. It feels so crazy to go to work when she really needs someone near her. I hope that she will have things to arrange and people to meet because the work week is beginning again. This week we have a long week-end: holiday on thursday and friday for most of us. I will be able to see her then. I have a meeting tomorrow evening at work and something going on on tuesday after work. But I could see her for awhile after that if she needs it. Just thinking aloud I guess.

Thanks so much for being there!
"some sacred place.."