I called my sister in France this morning and she told me that my parents finally bought my book. Let's see...it's been out seven years. Anyway, she said our mom went on a 30 minute rant and tirade about my book. Said she didn't believe I was ever abused and if I was it was because I asked for it and caused it. And you wonder why I stay away from them.

Anyhoo, to show you the way their minds work, they cannot for the life of them, understand why nobody in the family has come against me and refused to have anything to do with me because of the book. Said that if one person in the family had boycotted my son's wedding because of the book, they would have left everything to them in their will. BTW, that's a hint for my sister to spread the word in the family in case she finds a taker.

My dad had just returned from the store and mom handed the phone to him and after a very, very brief conversation, he hung up on her. This is her punishment for not hating me. They did the same thing to my aunt when she wouldn't join them in their "hate Dianne campaign" a few years ago.

Mom doesn't understand why my kids still have anything to do with me and my sister questioned her about why she would want my kids to hate me.

Ironically, my book put me in touch with four of my cousins who contacted me after reading it and all of them either suffered the same abuse (it runs in the family) or told me they remembered my dad abusing me.

If it wasn't so sick, I'd find this funny. Well, a large part of me finds it very funny because I have had a life time of this childish behavior. My sister and I just shake our heads and then, laugh.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes