You babes are officially adopted by da Queen here. I mean it. I love to come here and get a dose of royal sweetness and where else but here? Who luvs you babes? Huh? Huh? I do!

Now don't go sticking your hands out for an allowance...geeish...give um an inch, they'll want your Oreos...sigh, what's a Queen to do ... its hard being me.

Now, let's see, I still need people for the royal village and plundering on Saturday, 2:00 till 5:00. Anybody? Saundra? Dotsie? Orchid? Po? Louisa? New gals? You get your own sword and everything! And gets this ... saddles/reins helmets (with logos, or without) can be purchased at a discount. I try to give everybody a break when I can. No, don't thank me.