Dear Smile

I have spent the last 16 years studying energy and consciousness, and how different feelings are linked to different consciousness. Within the universe and world we live in hundreds of thousands of energies exist, all with a corresponding consciousness as consciousness contains energy or it wouldn't exist. There is a subatomic aspect to the particles of thought that breed action and reaction within our lives and each and every thought is connected to a feeling and corresponding emotion.

Through years of studying energy and feeling it from an empathic perspective and studying the underlying aspects of energy from a physics perspective I have come to understand consciousness in relationship to our body's reactions and our emotional reactions and how we are all moved by energy sometimes without our own consent.

Also through the study of religions and zen and the opening of the mind from the energetic aspects many of my understandings have come into being.

Basically, too simplify it I wanted to understand why there was pain and why people hurt each other and I wanted to save my life having faced death for many years due to environmental poisoning. That is what motivated me. It was my path toward healing.

Have a lovely day Smile!

With love