i think i missed a post about men being stolen etc, and i agree and disagree with both newleaf and meradith at the same time, sorrie ladies....heers my tuppences worth...

some women do go all out using their femininitie for personal gain or to win over another man, i seen it myself and some men don't take too much to be won overe.

i also agree that neither a man or women are anyones propertie, even if their partner view them as such, or even they themselfs view themselfs as belonging to their partner. Their gotta be healthie reliances yet independances in relasionsips for them to work, well at lest in my case. I need belonging and part independances at the same time.

when a partners unfaithfull yea it affects self-esteem but reallie its their shame and not the wronged partner as they proven themself untrustworthie...and the "other partie" may have played their part in it...but i be more cross at my partner becouse its them that promised faithfullness....not the other partie...

you get some good butch men that are faithfull and worthie of trust....and some women that don't use their femininitie for personal gain in whatever way .......but i don't see to see masses and masses of them just a sprinkling and i enjoy their uncommoness when i see/find it.

I don't think men should be excoused for their unfaithfullness due to biological diffrences ....anymore than women should be excoused for their unfaithfullness.....We all know the conciquincess to the wronged partner and both m & w should be held accountable for their actions.

taaaraaaa lol did that make sences?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn