Its a little frightening and right now I'm feeling a bit left out, but I'm slowly going to get back in the mainstream. The first thing I want to do is start an exercise program and diet. (So I'll feel healthy and lithe again)

The second thing I want to do is make my home a showcase home. I'm starting by getting rid of everything I don't need or use. I'm painting and redecorating now.

Third, I want to generate a list of babysitters so I can go out once in a while and be a grown up.

I want a bicycle and a tan. To go on photo shoots and even have an opening for my photos.

I'm thinking about changing jobs and maybe working my way into becoming a va.

Maybe I'll even make friends. I'm starting to get a bit excited about the prospects out there. I'm also frightened that I'm almost 58. For some reason that disturbs me.
Aarikja Ann