I think volunteering in a field of interest might be a good temporary idea, but here's another thought. Since I work online, I usually come up with online soultions.

How about narrowing down your future interests to three topics. Then begin searching those on Google. See if there are associations, women with Web sites on the topic, and of course books, ebboks, teleseminars, etc. Reach out online and begin asking people questions about how it works for them. Read books, make lists of pros and cons, pray, question, research. Now this is if you are interested in finding something you can continue with once the kids leave home. Consider your gifts. How can you use them for the good of others and get paid? Here's a part of an article I've written about this:

What do you do when life throws you for a loop? It happens to all of us at some point. Women divorce, lose jobs, kids move, lose loved ones, and life goes on. How do you find your purpose? Here are five tips that helped me through my soul searching and gave me a renewed sense of meaning.

Spend time alone
Set aside time each day for quiet reflection. Journal, pray, and consider your purpose in life. What is important to you? Why are you here? Make lists and work it out on paper. Listen to what God is whispering.

Focus on God-given gifts
Consider what brings you joy. What makes you tick? What are you passionate about? Is there something you can do with that passion to rejuvenate your life? God gives all of us gifts. Tune in and decide how to use them to fulfill your life purpose. Work isn’t a hardship when you align your passions with your profession.

Open up to others
Don’t be shy. Tell loved ones what you are going through. They know you best and can share your strengths and weaknesses. They can help you discover what to do with your life. Rely on them for advice and guidance.

Get online and do career searches. Today’s technology allows you to post a few words in a program and have a list of careers at your fingertips. Use community colleges’ occupation data bases. Sign up for a class that piques your interest. Go to the library. Hit bookstores. Wander the aisles until something strikes you and read ferociously.

Get busy
Be diligent until you have answers. Work at your future with enthusiasm. You are the one in charge. Make changes. Soul search. You’ll be glad you did!

oyster, make finding your future profession your job for now. Be intentional. You won't regret it.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.